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The Green Inferno

Posted on September 29, 2015

The Green Inferno (2015) Review


THE GREEN INFERNO: Eli Roth’s Green Inferno makes horror oh, so beautiful.

Let’s start this review with what you want to know about this film. The Green Inferno is about a group of slightly self-righteous college activists who aim to save an indigenous tribe of Peruvians from destruction in the name of finding natural gas. Along the way, the misguided advocates go down in a plane only to be consumed by the jungle and perhaps its inhabitants.  Those of you who have not lived in a vacuum for the past decade know that Eli Roth is most recognized for his torture-porn style and extreme gore. I know that Mr. Roth has been quoted saying that he considers it a good thing if his audience has to run screaming from the theater. He wants to evoke a visceral reaction from his audience even if it means they only see the film in pieces as they peek through their fingers, but that’s not quite the case here.

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